GMIT digital event to focus on remote working and wellness

Now in its third year, GMIT Mayo’s Digital West event will take place on Tuesday January 28. Organised by academic staff in collaboration with the GMIT Innovation Hub and in partnership with external business support agencies, this year’s event will focus on remote working, wellness and opportunity.

As the digital media landscape rapidly evolves with the introduction of new technologies such as AI, analytics, automation and a movement towards high definition video communication, companies are finding it increasingly hard to attract and maintain talent.

Remote working provides an opportunity for both the organisation and the individual, while also providing growth to rural regions such as the West of Ireland.

This is the third event of its kind in the West and just one of a number of initiatives planned as part of the creation and rollout of a digital strategy for Mayo.

Topics will range from digital strategy and positioning to build a brand, trends and opportunities with remote working, digital hubs as a remote location for work, life and workplace balance including top tips for building your remote workforce. There will inputs from business leaders, wellness coaches and remote working evangelists.

The event will be opened by Professor Neville McClenaghan, Vice President, GMIT Mayo campus. Speakers include Donal Healy, Marketing Manager, Ireland West Airport, Stephen Carolan, Enterprise Hub Programme Manager for the Atlantic Economic Corridor, Celia Keenaghan, Director, Keenaghan Collaborative, Lianne McManamon Mental Health Promotion Officer, Mayo Mental Health Association, Dave Casey, Health Promotion Manager, DeCare Dental Ireland, Barbara Hopkins, IT Engineer, Typetec and Noreen Henry, Lecturer in IT at GMIT Mayo.

GMIT academics Sharon Boyle and Dr Janine McGinn will discuss digital-related course offerings available in GMIT Mayo including the new industry aligned part-time Master in Science in Digital Media and Marketing. This is a structured research Masters degree developed in collaboration with industry.

The list of speakers and booking are available at the conference website The event is free to attend and is expected to sell out based on last year’s attendance.

Turlough Rafferty, Acting Manager at the GMIT Mayo iHub, says: “This event is gaining more interest year on year. Remote working is very topical at present. With climate change firmly on the EU’s agenda, sustainable flexible working arrangements help remove cars from our roads reducing carbon emission and reduce stress leading to a happy healthier and more productive workforce. Remote working and the wellness benefits this confers is an essential element in business digital transformation.”

Noreen Henry, lecturer, says: “Based on previous years we expect this event to fill quickly. Digital West is a free event with speakers representing a diverse knowledge base, giving us their perspectives on remote working, wellness and the opportunities they bring to businesses and employees. As well as a varied speaker line-up there will be a number of exhibitors on the day, ample opportunity for people to network and learn about our courses in the GMIT Mayo campus.”

For further information on the GMIT Innovation Hub, see:


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