Leaving Cert art history and appreciation study day

GALWAY ARTS Centre will host its annual study day for Leaving Cert art history and appreciation students on Tuesday January 21 from 9am to 3pm in the Nuns Island Theatre and Galway Arts Centre.

The study day is intended as an intensive revision course, and not necessarily as an introduction to the topics covered in the Leaving Cert syllabus. There will be six concise lectures, covering art in Ireland from Pre-Christian to modern times, and lectures on European art from 1000AD to the present day. The lectures will be given by Maeve Mulrennan, head of visual art in Galway Arts Centre. There will also be a brief discussion on essay writing skills.

The students will then visit ‘The Uncertainty of History: Remembering Eileen Quinn’ by Bernadette Burns in the Galway Arts Centre where the focus will be on art appreciation and exhibition layout/design, to help students answer the ‘Visit to an Art Gallery’ question in Section III. In the afternoon students can sign up to some or all of the optional mini-lectures on Impressionism, Georgian Ireland, and Irish Modernism.

The price per student is €5 and free admission for teachers. Spaces are limited and early booking is advised via bookings@galwayartscentre.ie, include the school name, teachers name and contact, number of pupils, afternoon options, and if any student has specific access requirements.


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