Galway’s health infrastructure gets funding boost under HSE plan for 2020

UHG is set to get new laboratories, an IT room, and a refurbished mortuary, while the Brothers of Charity will be able to provide a new home for people with a disability, following the approval of the National Service Plan of the HSE for 2020.

Under the plan, UHG will get €640,000, as part of a €1.44 million project to refurbish and upgrade the mortuary; receive the final €370,000 of a €5.88 million project to provide two replacement cardiac cath labs which will be fully operational early next year; and €300,000 of a €1.13 million project to provide a new IT room for the new clinical electronic document records management system.

The plan also approves the final €100,000 of an €880,000 project to enable the Brothers of Charity provide a home in the community for four people with a disability; and it provides €1.3 million of a €1.8 million project for two new homes for persons with intellectual disabilities in Ballinasloe.

The Service Plan also increases funding for projects under the Sláintecare Integration Fund which is currently funding programmes in Galway on chronic disease management, telemedicine for cystic fibrosis, and integrated care for diabetes and for heart failure.

The plan has been welcomed by Aire don Ghaeilge, don Ghaeltacht agus do na hOileáin, Seán Kyne. “While the Saolta Hospital Group has launched the ambitious Options Appraisal Project for Galway University Hospitals,” he said, “the most urgent projects remain the emergency department and the Oncology centre at UHG. Both projects are Government priorities and are referenced in the Service Plan. Both projects need to be progressed by the Saolta Group without further delay.”


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