Nominate a deserving youth for 2020 Galway Garda Youth Awards

Nominations are now being invited for the 2020 Galway Divisional Garda Youth Awards, sponsored by Supervalu, will be held on January 30 at the Galway Racecourse.

The purpose of the awards is to celebrate the achievements of outstanding young people or groups between the ages of 13 and 21 years, whose good work and will within their local community/school, often goes unnoticed, or who perhaps has overcome personal and emotional instability , shown resilience or indeed has shown leadership and initiative.

There are four award categories.


Making a positive contribution to their community, making it a better place to live.


Groups of two or more, making a positive contribution to their community, making it a better place to live.


Overcome difficult circumstances, defied all the odds, and whose commitment deserves recognition.


Through a crime prevention or safety initiative / innovation, have made their community a safer place to live.

The overall winner of each category will then go forward for selection to the National Awards Final to be held in April 2020.

Nomination forms can be obtained from any Garda Station, or by emailing Garda Ciara Moran, Garda JLO on [email protected] if any member of the public, club or agency requires further details on same.


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