Staying healthy and fit this Christmas

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

Christmas is a time where we love to enjoy ourselves to the fullest. For most of us, the festive season is where we decide that gluttony becomes almost acceptable as we gorge ourselves on food and drink. Waistlines expand and the motivation to go to the gym disappears quicker than a tin of Roses.

But here at the we provide readers with some tips where they can still enjoy their food and drink this Yuletide without becoming a couch potato.

1 Recognise when you are full

It is important to space out your meals, which is eating three main meals and two snacks. The problem at Christmas time is we stock the cupboard with copious amounts of food and the temptation is all encompassing. Eat when you are hungry, not because food is available.

2 Have your meat lean and mean

Lean cuts of meat such as turkey are a great source of protein. Of course you can enjoy other cuts of meat, what would Christmas be without ham, but it is important to limit your intake of processed meats as they contain high amounts of sodium and fats.

3 Remember your training

Set an exercise goal such as exercising every second day. This will offset some of the bad effects of the gorging that will go on over the festive period. Tip: go for a long walk after a big meal this Christmas.

4 Relax

If you are lucky enough to have a few days off this Christmas, use the time wisely and just chill out and relax. The period of recuperation will set you up to get back to work for the New Year.

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