Millions across Europe to tune into Cathedral Mass this Christmas Eve

Galway Cathedral’s Christmas Eve Mass will be broadcast live in Ireland and across Europe to millions this year. This year’s Mass which will begin exactly at 11pm, instead of the usual 10pm time and will go out live on RTE in Ireland and on various channels across Europe.

The Mass will be broadcast through Eurovision which means that it will be available to 44 European countries.

Everybody is welcome to attend this Mass but the congregation has to be in their seats by 10:45pm in order to facilitate the 11pm broadcast start. Christmas Carols will be sung by the Cathedral Choir in the half-hour before Mass and Bishop Brendan Kelly will be the chief celebrant.

Kairos Production Company is responsible for the broadcast of the live Christmas Eve Mass at Galway Cathedral and producer Finbarr Tracey says that an estimated two million viewers tune in for this each Christmas Eve.

“Our Christmas Eve Mass is always a very busy session at Galway Cathedral and we really want to ensure people know the time change from 10pm to 11pm, explained Fr Martin Whelan yesterday.

“Everyone is welcome to attend and must be in their seats by 10:45pm as the Mass will start at 11pm on the dot. There will be carols and the spirit of Christmas will be well and truly alive in the Cathedral. It is incredible to think that millions will be looking in on Galway this Christmas Eve,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Galway Cathedral Live Crib will take place from 11:30am to 4pm on Tuesday December 17, with live animals, music and song by primary school pupils from across Galway. This is open to everyone.

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