Transport campaign needs to be extended to people living outside the city – Ó Cuív

Fianna Fáil TD for Galway East, Éamon Ó Cuív, has noted that the People Before Profit campaign in Galway in relation to transport fares discriminates against people living outside the city and is typical of the narrow view and the divisive nature of the campaigns they are trying to promote, that would divide rural areas from cities.

Deputy Ó Cuív said that he will only back this if it is inclusive of the entire county.

“All citizens of the county should have access to public services and therefore when I was contacted regarding the proposal that as a trial, fares would be reduced in Galway City to one euro per journey, I said that I would back this campaign, as long as this extended to the whole of County Galway.

“Unfortunately, People Before Profit made it absolutely clear to me that their proposal only related to the city and that they were opposed to any equivalent proposal for the rural area.

“This, despite the fact that rural fares are twice as expensive per kilometre than they are in the city and despite the fact that rural bus services are far inferior, with about one-fifth per head of population of the funding being spent on rural services compared to urban services.

He said that is it very divisive of People Before Profit to be pursuing the type of policies they have.

“This is turning rural people against city people and city people against rural people, when we should all be standing shoulder to shoulder, demanding good quality public services at an affordable price.

“I will campaign vigorously against any further effort to discriminate in this fashion and believe that even at this late stage, People Before Profit should change their mind and fight for equality for all,” concluded Deputy Ó Cuív.


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