Opening December concerts from ConTempo

ConTempo to perform music from Sweden and premiere new work by Irish composer Ed Bennett

MUSIC BY SWEDISH and Irish composers will be the stuff of the ConTempo Quartet's upcoming concerts in Galway city throughout the first week of December.

Sweden will be the focus of the next From Europe with Love concert on Tuesday December 3 at 1.10pm in St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church. The programme will be Stenhammer's String Quartet No 5 and Rehnquist’s ‘The Riddle’. The guest speaker is the Swedish writer and translator, Ann Henning-Jocelyn. Admission is free, but early arrival is advised.

ConTempo will also give the world premiere of a new piece of music by the County Down composer Ed Bennett, in The Black Gate Cultural Centre, St Francis Street, on Thursday December 5 at 8pm.

The composer will attend and take questions from the audience. His music has been described as "anarchic" (The Irish Times ), "manic" (Classical Music ) and "thrilling" (Gramophone ) is often characterized by strong rhythmic energy, extreme contrasts, and the combination of acoustic, electronic, and multimedia elements. Tickets are €10/5 from Eventbrite.


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