Public meeting on challenging racism

'I'm not racist but… - The A-Z of Anti-Racism'

When someone uses the term "I'm not racist, but..." it is a sure sign that they are, and there is growing concern across Galway about the recent trend in racist views being expressed so openly.

As a result, the Galway Anti Racism Network will hold a public meeting, 'I'm not racist but… - The A-Z of Anti-Racism', in the Harbour Hotel on Tuesday November 26 at 7pm.

The meeting will discuss how to challenge racism in any form it takes, and it will also hear from members of minority communities in Galway on their experiences of racism. Speakers will include a resident from one of the city's direct provision centres; a Traveller; a migrant worker; a young Irish person of colour; and a member of the city's Muslim community.

The event will also host group discussions, have displays, and feature presentations from GARN members on issues like selective bias and the psychology of racism. Ahead of the meeting, GARN chair Joe Loughnane said: "Together we can challenge the rise of a dangerous narrative that is unfortunately rooted in racism and fear that has existed for decades."


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