Sleep well this Christmas season with Better Bedding

Christmas is coming and it's that time of the year when our sleeping patterns go off the rails with late nights, excessive drinking and eating, worrying over shopping, family, and money; it all takes its toll.

A recent survey found we lose over 30 hours of sleep over the festive period, short term lack of sleep makes us drowsy, irritable and concentration will be affected, plus when you're tired your appetite increases so be careful you don't overindulge more than normal this Christmas.

Better Bedding offers the following tips to help you sleep well through the festive season:-

1. Keep regular hours, try and go to bed and get up around the same time.

2. Have a restful sleeping environment, no decorations and your bedroom should be neither too hot nor too cold and be as quiet and dark as possible.

3. Keep your curtains closed, ideally have curtains that block light and sound.

4. Make sure your bed is comfortable, it is hard to get a good night's sleep on a bed that is too hard, too soft, too small, or too old.

5. It should be big enough so that your partner rarely disturbs you. Maybe a new bed should be on your Christmas list this year.

6. Finally have some earplugs handy to block out the sound of your partner's alcohol or overindulgence of Christmas pudding snoring.

For expert advice contact Better Bedding, Sean Mulvoy Road, Galway. Telephone (091 ) 756766


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