Winter renovation tips

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

As the weather continues to deteriorate and we tend to stay indoors in the warmth and comfort, it is likely you will start to notice some work needing to be done around the house.

Winter is a great time for renovations because services and supplies are less expensive as it is considered the off season for renovations and you may be able to get permit approvals and time scheduled with the contractors more quickly since it is the down time for them. So for those who need some advice on winter renovations, here provides some tips.

Plan and prepare

We all know of the famous statement - 'Failing to prepare is preparing to fail', but it rings true in nearly every facet of life and winter renovations are no exception. Planning for any renovation is important but in winter you will have to deal with sub zero temperatures, ice, and perhaps snow which could delay the process. Lack of sunlight must also be factored into the equation so when setting a completion date, make sure it is flexible enough to incorporate any unforeseen circumstances that could put the brakes on the project.

Focus on the inside

Focusing on the inside will make winter renovations slightly easier and hopefully more efficient as there will be less impact from the weather. Focus on tasks such as tiling, replacing appliances, or laying new flooring throughout the home.

Living conditions

Living conditions must take priority in any planned renovations. With the weather going to be dreadful, you must decide whether the property is habitable or not. If you are losing the ability to heat your home for a period of time or lose the use of the kitchen, it would be advisable to move in with a family or friend.

So there you have it. A few tips on winter renovations.

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