Public ‘In Conversation’ event to share insights into whistleblowing and business ethics

The ‘Inaugural Professors In Conversation Series’ featuring newly appointed Business Professors at NUI Galway will continue its series with Kate Kenny, Professor of Business and Society on Wednesday, 23 October. Professor Kenny will talk about Whistleblowing and Business Ethics. The lunchtime event hosted by the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics and Whitaker Institute is free and open to the public.

What role does ethics play in business practice, in Ireland and internationally? Professor Kate Kenny will discuss insights from over ten years’ research into this question, with a focus on speak-up and whistleblowing. From the U.S. White House, to the Brexit referendum and Ireland’s policing and energy sectors, whistleblowing is rarely out of the news. Meanwhile laws are changing across the world, with a new EU whistleblowing directive promising major changes for Irish organisations in the public and private sectors. Professor Kenny will identify resulting impacts, challenges and opportunities for organisations and citizens in Ireland, based on international experiences.

Professor Kenny will be in conversation with John Devitt, Chief Executive and founder of Transparency International’s chapter in Ireland and Chair of the Whistleblowing International Network.

Professor Alan Ahearne, Director, Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway, said theyare delighted to co-host this inaugural lecture series which will provide the newly appointed professors with the opportunity to engage students, colleagues and the general public in a frank discussion of issues that are crucially important for our country.

“We all know from well-publicised recent episodes that whistleblowers are critical in the fight to weed out malpractice, unlawful and unethical behaviour from the workplace, and they need better support and protection.”

Speaking about the event, Professor Kate Kenny, NUI Galway, said the issue of business ethics is a hot topic at the moment, posing many challenges and opportunities for organisations.

“I am looking forward to discussing insights from my research. Having studied whistleblowing and speak up systems for over ten years, in Ireland and overseas, I am particularly delighted to be joined by John Devitt for this conversation. His continued work with Transparency International Ireland is central to supporting whistleblowers and advocating for strong legal protections, at European, international and Irish levels.”

The event will take place on Wednesday, 23 October from 1pm-2pm in Room CA110 in the Cairnes Building, North Campus, NUI Galway.

To book the event, visit: and search ‘Whistleblowing and Business Ethics’ or logon to:


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