Explore your options at Options West

The Options West careers exhibition takes place on Tuesday October 22 in the Galway Bay Hotel from 9am to 2pm. This event is aimed at second level senior cycle students and affords students an opportunity to research their choices and to make more informed career decisions. It provides the perfect opportunity for sixth year, fifth year, and TY students to liaise with representatives from colleges and other educational institutions and to explore alternative career areas such as apprenticeships, An Garda Síochána, and the Defence Forces.

As we approach the mid-term break it is timely for students to further develop their career plans ahead of the CAO deadlines which will be approaching soon.

Representatives from all of all the top colleges from Ireland and several UK colleges will be present in one location to give students an opportunity to discuss, research, and gain knowledge which will assist them in deciding what path they might like to follow after secondary school. Information on studying in Europe will be on hand for those who may want to travel further afield and avail of opportunities there.

Apprenticeships, through Solas, are providing exciting opportunities for students with new areas being developed constantly such as accounting technicians and auctioneering, along with the traditional areas such as electrical, motor, engineering and construction. For more information see galwayroscommon.etb.ie


In preparation for the event, students should talk to their guidance counsellors, parents, do some initial research, and have their questions ready in order to make the most of the time they will have there.

Ask about the various courses on offer in the colleges and other institutions, research entry requirements, employability prospects, training provided, campus life, and practical areas such as accommodation.

Plan your visit in advance and make the most of your day.

Check out the full list of colleges and universities taking part this year, and identify the colleges you particularly want to talk to before you go to the event.

Have your questions ready so that you get any information you need.

Check out the schedule of talks and lectures that will be taking place and note the times of the ones of interest to you to make sure you get to attend them.

Research Careers Portal in advance at www.careersportal.ie

Careers talks

A series of careers talks will take place over the morning, covering areas such as CAO, commerce, arts/social studies, medicine, engineering, IT, science, nursing, design and creative arts, Gardaí, Defence Forces, apprenticeships, studying in Europe, and PLCs.

There is something for everyone at Options West so do not miss out on the opportunity to attend. Tickets are available from guidance counsellors in schools or on the door.

For more information email optionswest@gmail.com.


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