Minister Eamon Ryan to visit Galway today

Eamon Ryan, the Minister for Communications, Energy, and Natural Resources will be in Galway today to speak in NUI, Galway and visit the Let’s Do It Galway headquarters.

Minister Ryan will arrive in NUIG at 2.30pm for a tour of the Environmental Change Institute. He will hold a brief meeting with NUIG president James Browne and head of the ECI Dr Gerard Jennings. At 3pm he will give a 10 minute address and a Q&A session about energy in the west of Ireland. He will then host an open forum at the IT building.

At 4.15pm he will make a brief tour of Leisureland before going to the Atlantaquaria at 4.40pm. At 5.25 he will visit the Let’s Do It Galway headquarters at the old McDonagh/Instore building on Merchants Road


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