Going Native - Part Two

last week’s Gardenwise has inspired you to consider a native hedge, you might find yourself paying more attention to what’s growing at the side of the road near you as you pass – but please take care if you’re driving! If you’re walking, running or just out for a stroll though, it’s amazing how rewarding a study of the simple plants growing wild at the roadside can be – and this is the season when they really come into their own.

The particular plants you choose for your native hedge will depend on your location – some thrive better in exposed, windy areas than others, for instance – and where exactly you’re planting it, as well as how you want it to look. If you’d prefer a neater look and would prefer to stick to one variety, it’s hard to go wrong with hawthorn for instance, and the native Crataegus monogyna is obliging enough to do well pretty much anywhere. Be careful what you wish for though, and this is why botanical names are so important – hawthorn, whitethorn and blackthorn are often confused! A mixed hedge is more suitable if you want a wilder look, as the species will grow at different rates – hazel will grow quickly and vigorously, while holly is much slower for example. When grown (and clipped ) as a hedge, flowering and fruiting is likely to be compromised somewhat, but your native hedge will still be a valuable food source for wildlife.

Here are just a few of the really reliable (and beautiful ) species to consider:

Euonymus europaeus – also known as spindle: quite forgettable in summer, but a blaze of coloured leaves and curious berries in autumn.

Prunus spinosa – also known as blackthorn and whitethorn: usually first to flower with creamy blossom in early spring, and dusky blue sloe berries in autumn

Rosa canina – or dog rose: pale pink flowers in summer and rose hips later

Sambucus nigra – the common elder – bunches of creamy white flowers and inky dark berries

Lonicera periclymenum – native honeysuckle – a beautifully scented climber for twining through the other plants.

Anne Byrne Garden Design provides easy to follow Garden Plans that you can implement right away or in stages. Anne’s design flair and passion for plants brings a touch of magic to gardens of all sizes.

Anne Byrne Garden Design – Creative Ideas – Practical Solutions – Stunning Gardens.

T: 086 683 8098 E: anne.byrne05@gmail.com www.annebyrnegardendesign.com


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