Papa'z got a brand new bag

If you have not already discovered Papa'z Bistro, now there is yet another reason to check out this popular restaurant — table bingo is taking place at Papa'z every Friday until the end of October, offering diners the chance to win their meal for free.

Open seven days a week, from 12 noon to 9.30pm, the restaurant has fitted in seamlessly to Galway's food community and is fast becoming a hot spot for those who love casual, fun, dining with first class food. Table bingo, the latest addition to the Papa'z calendar, takes place from 12.30pm to 1.45pm on Fridays, and one table will win their meal for free. Second prize is free desserts, with a free coffee as third prize, and each table as a 7/1 chance of being a winner.

Papa'z also offers great Sunday specials for families, with free food and colouring for children, also available until the end of October. Customers can also enjoy 50 per off their food from 5pm to 6.30pm Monday to Friday when they show this offer.

To book your table at Papa'z Bistro Galway visit or call 085 834 1097.


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