The CNM course is a very worthwhile experience

I found my CNM studies comprehensive, enjoyable, and affirming, and loved my three years of training in naturopathic nutrition. CNM is a combination of hopeful endeavour and academic excellence which makes it a very worthwhile experience.

My first book, Wholly Aligned, Wholly Alive, launched in June 2019, details my journey, and includes how the tools of nutrition and yoga have helped me. I went into renal failure at 14 and had hospital dialysis until age 21 when I had a kidney transplant. I lost transplant kidney function three years ago, and while waiting for another transplant, I currently support my health with both conventional and natural treatments.

Having been raised by a mother very interested in natural health, I considered a master’s in nutrition. Through that process I happened upon the CNM course and it immediately sang out to me. It felt like the course had been designed just for me.

I was still working full-time in private banking credit risk in Canary Wharf when I started at CNM, but I knew in my heart there was so much more I had to offer in this lifetime. I resigned from banking in 2013, having been supported by an amazing global head to go part-time for a year prior — highly unusual in my type of role. When you believe you are supported, this becomes the reality.

The course content, and feeling fully equipped to practise after graduation, were helpful antidotes to my very busy, stressful, banking career. I loved the lectures, the calibre of which was excellent, and meeting like-minded people, some of whom became very good friends. I came to really enjoy studying at the weekends.

Having also qualified as a yoga teacher, I set up my own business, Wholly Aligned, in 2012. Wholly Aligned draws on the wisdom of nutrition and yoga to help people reconnect with mind, body, and soul and ultimately awaken their inner physician.

The CNM course enriched my knowledge and, importantly, helped me understand more deeply the intricate nature of therapeutic rapport and how key it is to build trust and confidence with your clients.

Become a nutritional therapist. Study in class or online. The College of Naturopathic Medicine has a 20-year track record training successful health practitioners. Attend the next free CNM open event in Galway — call 01 878 8060 or book online at


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