Find out what foods are making you sick, tired, and overweight through food intolerance testing

What foods turn off your metabolism? The Health and Nutrition Coach offers blood analysis to help you find out.

Do you find it impossible to lose weight and keep it off despite your best efforts to diet? Does everyone around you seem to eat more than you, and yet somehow end up slimmer? Do most of your excess pounds sit around your tummy? Do you feel tired for much of the time, irritable and unable to focus?

Yvonne Duffy O'Shaughnessy, Galway based Health and Nutrition Coach, specialises in food intolerance testing, herbal medicine, iridology, and reflexology. Her philosophy is, "Don’t eat less, just eat right".

If you are ready to take charge of your health and make changes to your diet Yvonne Duffy O'Shaughnessy can help you. "As a nutritional therapist, my passion is education and information," she said. "My goal is to help guide you to improve your nutrition through strategic eating, not dieting, and without expensive supplements, shakes, or counting calories excessively because when you know better, you can feel better.

"Also specialising in female hormonal balance, I can assist you with fertility, pre-conception, PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid, menopause, low energy, low libido, weight loss, and more. I apply the latest testing methods to eradicate guesswork and uncover any underlying roadblocks to optimal health. As a wife and mother I understand the daily pressures that women face and the importance of a mind-body approach for women to achieve their full health potential."

Yvonne Duffy O'Shaughnessy recently appeared on The Today Show with Maura and Daithi speaking about iridology and health in general. You can watch the video online at

Iridology helps to identify blocked energy in the body and helps to identify a sluggish organ or weak nerve supply to a particular organ, through an exam of the iris in your eye. The cost of this package is €199. Booking is essential. To book a consultation call 087 0573098.


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