Way is clear for oral hearing on city bypass, says Kyne

Additional information on the proposed Galway City Ring Road, provided to An Bord Pleanála by the Galway County Council, should “clear the way” for an oral hearing on this project.

This is the view of Aire don Ghaeilge, don Ghaeltacht agus do na hOileáin, Seán Kyne, who said the extra information “should enable further public consultation” through an oral hearing on the ring road.

In May, An Bord Pleanála wrote to the county council requesting more information on the proposed road’s environmental impact, as well as traffic patterns and volumes. That information has now been provided.

Minister Kyne described the ring road as “central to the overall transport strategy for Galway”. He said: “The provision of a new bridge over the Corrib that can accommodate vehicles, including electric vehicles and public transport vehicles, from Connemara and the west of the City and connect them to the national motorway network is also a crucial step.”


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