Monsters vs Aliens

cinema reviews

When aliens attack, monsters fight back, and boy do they! A giant woman, a mad insect scientist, a blobby thing, the missing link, and of course a gigantic Japanese-style monster make up this motley crew which is tasked with saving the world. The action, the jibes, and the 3D make for fun-filled entertainment for all the family.

I decided for once to partake in the whole 3D experience for this one, something I haven’t done in a long long time. In fact, I think I had been turned off the idea as a child after being subjected to wearing the paper ‘Christmas cracker’ style glasses which made absolutely no difference whatsoever except to give you a headache, and double vision, but how times have changed.

Monsters vs Aliens thankfully kept the 3D to a minimum and when it did happen it certainly made an impact; in one scene a UFO tracker knocks a red paddleball on a elastic, making it look ass if it’s about to smack you in the face.

A meteorite from outer space comes crashing to Earth, hitting a young loved-up Californian girl named Susan Murphy (Reese Witherspoon ) on the day of her wedding. A substance called Quantonium causes her to grow to an enormous size. Captured and imprisoned in a secret Government facility, Susan meets several other 50s’ style B-movie monsters which include Dr Cockroach PhD (Hugh Laurie ), the Missing Link (Will Arnett ), a half ape-half fish creature, a furry giant insect called Insectosaurus (a creature of very few words but plenty of green icky stuff ), and a rather loveable one-eyed blue blob called B.O.B (Seth Rogen ).

Let’s just say that Susan, or should I say Ginormica, is finding it hard to adapt to her new life which helps the audience to sympathise with her and like the character a lot. It is only when deranged alien overlord Gallaxhar (Rainn Wilson ) arrives on Earth to obtain the precious Quantonium and conquer the world that Susan realises her supernatural potential, but also begins to learn a lot about herself.

There’s plenty of action throughout and lots of chuckles. The scene stealer is quite possible B.O.B but there are also some great scenes with the rather gormless and overly confident President Hathaway, especially when he attempts to communicate with an alien robot by playing some dodgy eighties music.

This is definitely a must if you want a nice relaxing film with a couple of giggles and it doesn’t really matter if you see it in 3D or 2D because it’s the characters and the script that make a good film.

Verdict 4.5/5


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