Karen Conway awarded CÚRAM commission art-science project for city's east side

Artist to work with local communities and academics on public artwork

A NEW community art-science project for the east side community in Galway city has been commissioned by CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research in Medical Devices, based at NUI Galway, together with Galway City Arts Office.

The artist Karen Conway was awarded the CÚRAM Artist Commission for the city's east side. She will draw inspiration from the research being carried out at CÚRAM. Ms Conway has exhibited at the Galway International Arts Festival and the TULCA Festival of Visual Arts, and the University College Hospital Galway. Her work has shown a strong interest in the crossover of science and art.

For this project, she will work with the eastside community and Prof William Wijns and his researchers. Prof Wijns is an expert in cardiology and is leading a €5 million research project, which will develop wearable sensors to alert patients at high risk of heart attacks to triggers such as stress or high blood pressure.

CÚRAM’s Art and Science programme creates links between the scientific and artistic communities to support the art-science discipline while increasing interest in science and current research. Since 2015, CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland funded Centre for Research in Medical Devices based at NUI Galway, has hosted artist residencies in its laboratories.


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