Autumn creative writing classes

Classes in the GTI with poet Kevin Higgins and poet/author Susan Millar DuMars

AUTUMN IS always a good time to take up that project, ambition, or idea you have long wanted to realise, and those interested in writing should take a look at the courses being offered in the Galway Technical Institute.

There are classes for beginner and intermediate levels at the GTI, Father Griffin Road, with the poet Kevin Higgins and the post and short story writer Susan Millar DuMars.

Creative writing for beginners with Kevin Higgins is on Mondays from 7pm to 9.30pm, starting September 23 and running for eight weeks. The class is for those interested in writing stories, poems, or memoir.

Intermediate creative writing with Susan Millar DuMars is on Tuesdays from 7pm to 9.30pm, starting September 24 and running for eight weeks. This class is for those who have participated in creative writing classes before or have had work published in magazines.

Each class costs €120. Advance booking is essential via 091-581342, [email protected], or Each class costs €120.


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