Learn how to develop skills to deal with life's challenges

A personal skills and leadership training programme, which will take place in the city from September 2019 to April 2020, will help people cope with everyday challenges.

The Training for Transformation course is being organised by Pernet CLG which runs self-help workshops and programmes in the community. It is open to people over 18 years and will take place at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Newtownsmith on Friday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and on Saturdays from 10am to 4pm on the following dates:- September 27 and 28, October 18 and 19, November 15 and 16, February 7 and 8, March 20 and 21, and April 3 and 4.

The course is aimed at volunteers and staff involved in community organisations, such as social, sports, residents' associations, etc, groups working with youth or older people, advocacy groups for social minorities, church groups, family resource groups, and those working for social justice.

"Training for Transformation is very practical and is based on the challenges we meet every day, living, working and socialising with other people in families, workplaces, and communities," says Imelda O'Sullivan, the organiser. "It aims to develop skills in dealing with those challenges and it does so through active learning; participants engage in activities and then review and discuss what can be learned. In this way, the course builds self-confidence and skills."

She says the course offers people skills to help them on life's journey. "It helps you to discover your hidden talents and shows you how to use them in daily life. Discovering these talents and using your skills will increase your happiness."

Former participants say the programme was beneficial on a number of levels. "It greatly improved my ability to express my opinions at work meetings," "Training for Transformation helped me to be more tolerant and understanding of people who think differently to me."

The cost of the course is €150. For further information contact Imelda at (086 ) 6098887, Mary at (086 ) 3836567, Helen at (086 ) 8240691 or log on to www.pernetlayassociates.com


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