'Bluebells for love' – a Patrick Kavanagh evening

The legacy and various loves of Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh will be celebrated through talks, songs, poetry and readings at the upcoming Patrick Kavanagh event.

Bluebells for love takes place in the Harbour Hotel, Galway on Friday July 26 at 7.30pm.

The theme of this year’s event, The women in Kavanagh’s life, will include contributions from Kavanagh expert, Dr Una Agnew. The poet/author Gerard Hanberry, who in 2016 wrote On Raglan Road: Great Irish Love Songs and Women who inspired them. There will also be contributions from Galway poet Mary O’Malley and Inniskeen storyteller Brian Dooley, with songs and poetry from local talent.

Kavanagh’s move to Dublin in 1939 enabled him to achieve a new freedom of imagination, but he retained a passionate attachment to his birthplace of Inniskeen. Most of the poet’s female relationships in the city were short-lived, but they continued to be his muses and inspire his creative talents. This he acknowledges in his poem God in Woman –“Surely my God is feminine”.

The poet had a five-year relationship with Galway Catholic author, the late Deirdre Manifold. Following his love interest with medical student Hilda Moriarty, On Raglan Road was penned by the poet seven decades ago and is forever etched in Ireland's collective consciousness. It was immortalised in song by Luke Kelly and has remained a firm favourite with Irish people since. A number of weeks back it was chosen as Ireland’s favourite folk song through a public vote in an RTÉ contest.

The event begins at 7.30pm and tickets can be pre-booked at https://kavanaghday2019.eventbrite.ie and will also be available on the door, opening at 7pm. More information from PKWA at (086 )8736837.


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