European music - better than anything Brexiteers can offer

Farage is welcome to his unicorns, we'll take great music over that anyday

BREXIT PARTY MEPs showed, not only their ignorance and bad manners when turning their backs on musicians in the European Parliament, but their cultural cretinism in disrespecting 'Ode to Joy', the final movement of Beethoven's magnificent 9th Symphony.

So we will leave the Tories and Nigel Farage's crowd to their unicorns, mythical sunlit uplands, and impending chlorine washed chicken, because the 27 remaining members have the culture and the music - some of which will be performed in Galway next week.

From Europe with Love: The Highlights, is the next instalment of The Galway Music Residency’s celebration of music from across Europe. It will take place in St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church on Tuesday July 16, from 1pm to 2pm. For this concert, the ConTempo Quartet will perform music from Malta, The Netherlands, France, the Czech Republic, Latvia, and Italy. There will also be a brief talk by the chair of the GMR’s artistic committee, John Caulfield

Admission is free. Early arrival is recommended. See


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