‘I ate myself healthy again with CNM and wrote a book’

Terry McIlroy, nutritional therapist, author, chef, and CNM graduate, on his inspiration for his new book Super Nutrition

My new book Super Nutrition is my life’s work; it outlines the ways I have used nutrition and my passion for food to improve and heal my body and mind.

I started in the world of professional chefs at 12 years of age. As I got older I became more interested in health and nutrition. All my life I had been plagued with severe acne and mouth ulcers. Conventional treatments did not work and my health deteriorated. Then I started investigating what was causing my health problems and wondered if what I was eating was the cause, and my symptoms the effect.

I increased veg and fruit intake and saw a nutritionist. I made many small adjustments, like cutting out dairy and fizzy drinks, and drinking more water. My symptoms all but disappeared and I had no mouth ulcers or acne for the first time in my life.

It was transformational and inspired me to enrol on a three year, part-time nutrition diploma at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. Proper nutrition is vital for premium health. CNM inspired me to combine my chef skills with my passion for nutrition and create my own recipe book with the correct nutritional protocol recipes and lifestyle tips. Following these myself has helped ensure I am not deficient in any particular nutrient and means I can turn to my nutritional knowledge and experience to support my health and wellbeing. I hope it inspires you, too.

Change career. Gain new skills. Help others. Become a nutritional therapist. Study in class or online.

CNM has a 20-year track record training successful health practitioners. Attend the next free CNM open event in Galway. Call 01 878 8060 or book online at naturopathy.ie


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