Hay fever (acute seasonal allergic rhinitis ) is the most common type of allergy. Symptoms include itchy red eyes also known as allergic conjunctivitis, watery discharge from the nose and eyes, sneezing, fatigue, headache and nervous irritability. It can mimic the symptoms of common cold and affects 30% of the population worldwide. Post nasal drip of mucus can lead to a cough, and nose bleed in severe cases. Tree and grass pollen is the usual cause of hay fever in spring and summer-time but perennial allergic rhinitis can be caused by some or all of the following: animal hair, dust, feathers, fungus, spores and moulds the symptoms of which can stay with you in any part of the year. Some of us are born to be allergic from birth it occurs in both males and females and anywhere in the world, hay fever is not contagious.

More than half of hay fever suffers complain of being tired, run down, irritable and find it hard to stay focused which in turn can sometimes lead to sick days and time off work. The sale of antihistamines is considerably higher in hay fever season, your doctor may prescribe some nasal sprays or send you to a specialist for further investigations and treatment.

The best defense is to avoid contact with the allergens however this is not always possible. The use of dust mite covers on your mattress, pillows and duvet can help. Avoid cigarette smoke and using perfumed cosmetics and sprays. You can make your body better able to cope with the allergen, by removing the substances in your diet that are putting your immune system under strain. Some of the substances best avoided include: alcohol, coffee, food additives, colourings and preservatives, junk food, white flour and its products such as cakes, pastries, biscuits and buns.

Eat a well-balanced whole food diet rich in fruit and vegetables, whole grains such as brown rice, raw nuts and seeds. Foods that are rich in magnesium are thought to help prevent and reduce symptoms of hay fever. These include; bananas, kidney beans, soy beans, almonds, whole-wheat flour, brown rice, molasses and peas.

Medical needle free acupuncture and laser acupuncture can work well for allergies. We also use a combination of therapies such as Gut Health and Micro-immunotherapy, Microbiome Restoration, Micro-immunotherapy, Nutritional therapy, lifestyle medicine, herbals and homeopathy to help boost overall health and Mindfulness and CBT techniques among other therapies to help stress, anxiety and irritability related to all types allergies and intolerances.

Dr Bhatti is a Medically qualified Doctor, he has worked in all the main Hospitals in Galway such as UCHG, Merlin Park Hospital, Portiuncla Hospital, St. Brigid's Psychiatric Hospital, where he worked for more than three years and was in charge of the Alcoholism and Addiction unit.

He has also done postgraduate studies and was involved in research. He holds a Practitioner Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and a Professional Certificate in Mindfulness, with special interest in Stress and Stress Related Illness and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health from the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons.


Always consult your G.P. first for all medical advice and to rule out any serious illness or before starting any new regime or self-treatment. The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and are not intended to prevent, diagnose or cure any medical conditions. We acknowledge the contribution of all authors and researchers.

Holistic Health & Stress Clinic URBAN wellbeing, Tuam Road, Galway, Ireland

For appointment please call or text us on 0871915051.



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