Free blood pressure checks and public talk

Do you or someone you know have high blood pressure, or are you taking medication to manage blood pressure? If so, you are invited to a free blood pressure check and public talk by heart expert Dr Faisal Sharif on Wednesday, July 10, in the Croí Heart & Stroke Centre, Newcastle, Galway.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart problems and stroke. Because there are no obvious symptoms of high blood pressure, very often people assume it is nothing to worry about. However high blood pressure needs to be treated and managed so as to avoid a serious heart event or catastrophic stroke.

The Clinical Research Facility, Galway (CRFG ) has teamed up with local heart and stroke charity Croí and the GUH department of cardiology to provide free blood pressure checks for those with known high blood pressure or those taking medications to manage their blood pressure. In addition, there is an opportunity to attend a talk by an expert on blood pressure management and treatment, and the opportunity to be involved in clinical trials.

Places are limited — call Croí on 091 544310 to book a free appointment.

This is a collaborative initiative by the Clinical Research Facility, Galway (CRFG ), supported by Croí, the department of cardiology, GUH, and the National University of Ireland, Galway.


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