Is your child’s maths performance below par? Is it affecting his/her confidence and outlook? Is your child just a little bit at sea, or is maths a total minefield? As the school year draws to a close, is it time to put a schedule in place for September? And what about maths and the summer slide?
The importance of encouraging a positive view of mathematics in primary school cannot be over-emphasised. As students progress through the classes they are introduced to new concepts which build on previous learning and understanding. Therefore it is vital that children grasp each new concept and are given a chance to practise it and apply it before they move on. This helps students feel confident in their abilities and assured in the knowledge that they can forge ahead on this mathematical journey.
Frank Murphy explains how the FCL programme helps to bring out the potential in all students. “We look at each student as an individual and work with them to identify where their strengths and weaknesses lie," he says. "Some students are on top of their game and need to be challenged; for others there may be a particular topic that requires more explanation and practice. Our individual programmes ensure that every child is working at a level most suited to their requirements. Understanding is vital, so we devise ways to help explain concepts, bearing in mind that each student learns differently. Students are given a chance to practice through repetition and homework. Every year we devote several months of our programme to problem solving, and we encourage students to think logically and present their work in a coherent, logical way.
“We put great emphasis on giving time to the student and making them feel at ease with mathematics as a subject," he adds. "We encourage them to explain their difficulties and then devise ways to make things clearer for them. We help them see that mistakes are learning opportunities rather than a sign of failure.”
FCL runs throughout the year, including the summer, and this a great time for students to sign up for extra maths tuition. The short daily practise required fits nicely in to the students’ schedule and by autumn it has just become a routine which does not impact too much when school resumes. It is also a great way to deal with the “summer learning slide”.
Limited places are available in the Oranmore centre on Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning. Contact Frank Murphy to book an assessment at 086 3724617/091 635678, email