Pain can take many forms from occasional stabbing or throbbing to a constant pain that will not go away. Each type of pain also has a different cause. One should look for the real cause of the pain in order to plan your pain management.

1. Sports injuries is a common cause of pain anywhere in the body

2. Video games can result in pain in the neck, wrist, shoulder, arm and hand. Some of these injuries can be typical to the type of video games you are playing.

3. Pain due to lifestyle. Sitting for long periods at a time, in front of a computer or watching television can often result in neck and back discomfort or pain.

4. Repetitive strain injury can be from the type of work you do usually on the wrist or thumb, working in a factory or an assembly line, ill fitting or wearing the wrong type of foot wear. Flip flops can cause plantar fasciitis. Picking up your baby out of a cot or a buggy can cause back pain.

5. Smart phones: In recent years pain in the neck and thumb has become quite common due to checking and answering your messages especially in young people.

6. A big thick wallet in your back pocket can result in pain your hip and buttock and may result in sciatica.

7. If you drive for long hours especially at night time it can result in neck pain frequently found in people who drive for a living.

8. Laptops: studies suggest students who carried their laptops from one place to another resulted in shoulder pain and some also developed elbow pain.

9. Sleeping in an awkward position or due to wrong pillow can result in neck and upper back pain.

10. Heavy lifting or lifting wrongly is a common cause of back pain. This can be largely avoided by lifting correctly and asking someone to help.

11. Change in weather can affect lots of people especially in their joints due to changes in temperature, pressure and humidity.

12. Heavy strenuous exercise or working out infrequently can result in injury and pain. Expert advice can limit the chance of these types of injuries. Your doctor can help you by sending you to a physiotherapist which can make such a difference to your life.

13. Jaw pain can result from grinding teeth during sleep, one could be suffering from a sleep disorder, depression, anxiety or earaches. Always consult your doctor and a dentist as you might have TMJ problems. Some complementary therapies can help. Chronic pain can also lead to Insomnia, Tiredness and Depression.

14. Stress/Depression can lead to pain and aches anywhere in the whole body, especially if you suffer from chronic stress, anxiety or depression due to work/ home or due to muscle tension in a traffic jam or an argument with a loved one. Once your GP has ruled out any serious illness then complementary therapies can be very helpful in healing your discomfort and pain.

Micro-immunotherapy medicines contain high dilutions of interleukins, growth factors and specific nucleic acids (SNA ) for the support of the immune system by restoring balance leading to a positive effect on the person’s overall health and defences. It can be successfully used in this or any other inflammatory diseases which are the consequence of imbalance in our immune system. The main object is to restore and correct the functioning of our immune system.

Micro-immunotherapy seeks to regulate the immune response and optimally modulate the inflammation and contributes to correcting the function of the bowel. It can be used alongside conventional medicine as a supportive therapy.

The Clinic of Complementary and Natural Medicine was established by Dr Bhatti in 1989. Dr Bhatti is a medically qualified doctor and a medical naturopath. He has a Diploma in child health from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ireland and has worked for years in Galway’s main hospitals at UCHG, Merlin Park, St Brigid’s hospital and Portiuncula.

At the Clinic of Holistic Health and Stress clinic, Dr Bhatti specialises in weight loss the natural way and in the treatment of painful conditions such as arthritis, back, neck, shoulder and hip pain. He also treats migraine, stress and anxiety by combining natural therapies such as Needle free Medical Acupuncture,Gut Health and

Dr Bhatti’s clinic is now located at URBAN Wellbeing, Tuam Rd., Galway, Ireland.

For appointment please call us on 00353871915051


We acknowledge the contribution of all authors and researchers.


Always consult your G.P. first for medical advice and to rule out any serious illness or before starting any new regime or self treatment. The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and are not intended to prevent, diagnose or cure any medical conditions. The publisher of this article or any information provided on this site including text, graphics, images, cannot be held responsible for any errors or any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in this article or this site or it’s pages. In case of an emergency always contact your Doctor and the emergency services immediately.


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