My name is Robyn, I'm 17 and I'm in St Brigid's College Loughrea. I was born in Kilkenny but have spent the majority of my life in Galway. I'm doing work experience in the Advertiser this week, as I've loved writing from a young age. I have always loved languages and I study Irish and French in school. Next month I'll be going to Coláiste Chamuis. I've been bitten by the travel bug ever since I visited Italy last April. After school, I would love to travel the world, and volunteer in underprivileged areas.
What I love about Galway is the diversity that can be seen among the people. I think that most importantly the buskers are what make Galway stand apart from other cities. It's uplifting to stroll down Shop Street and soak up the atmosphere, whether it be pop, rock, indie, gospel, or whatever is music to your ears. To me, the richness of the culture, combined with the sense of freedom of expression is reflected in those who flood the streets each week. I think the heart of the city is rooted in its people, its tourists and its inhabitants alike, give this quaint, yet modern city its character.
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