CÚRAM’s open call for artists

Centre for Research in Medical Devices at NUI Galway seeks artists for public engagement programme

CÚRAM, SCIENCE Foundation Ireland’s funded Centre for Research in Medical Devices at NUI Galway, which also hosts artist residencies in its laboratories, is seeking artists for its public engagement programme.

CÚRAM’s Art and Science programme seeks to creates links between the scientific and artistic communities; to support the art-science discipline; and increase interest in science and current research.

In partnership with the Galway City Arts Office, it is inviting proposals from artists across Ireland for ideas for an ambitious and contemporary permanent artwork in Ballybane and Doughiska. The budget for the project is €10,000. The artist will work with one of the following three themes: cardiovascular research (researcher: Prof William Wijns ); soft and hard tissue regeneration (researcher: Dr Dimitrios Zeugolis ); biomaterials and the body (researcher: Dr Manus Biggs ).

The chosen artist will work in the CÚRAM laboratories to learn about CÚRAM’s research and will spend a time working with the Ballybane and Doughiska communities to realise the project.

Applications must be received by 5pm on June 21. Email all submissions to curam@nuigalway.ie.


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