.... Advertiser.ie - Rip-off Galway?

Rip-off Galway?

Dear Galway First,

I read a story in a rival Irish newspaper about how four people were gouged by the greedy owner of a Galway B&B. It seems 'rip-off Ireland' is alive and kicking.

It would appear that during this period of downturn in Irish tourism, many in that business have inverted learning curves, as they still try to squeeze the last euro, dollar or pound out of visitors.

It was appropriate that this story appeared on the same day that The Virginian, James Drury, rode into Galway.

He will be right at home among cowboys such as this B&B owner. Of course in previous years he may have been afforded the opportunity to visit the Fianna Fail tent, where he would have met the most notorious of Irish cowboys.

Yours etc,

Charles D Malone,

San Francisco.


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