Be pollen prepared with hay fever advice from Specsavers Galway stores

As the summer fast approaches, most of us long for a repeat of last year’s heatwave, however one downside of those long, hot, summer evenings is the increased threat of hay fever.

Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen and is usually worse in the summer months, with one in five of the Irish population affected each year. As well as sneezing and a blocked or runny nose, hay fever can also cause red, itchy or watery eyes, which can be particularly problematic for contact lens wearers.

Store director at Specsavers Eyre Square and Headford Road, Noel Meehan, said: "Hay fever sufferers who wear contact lenses may notice the vision through their lenses can appear smeary and eyes can generally feel uncomfortable. There are some things contact lens wearers can try to help reduce the irritation. Contact lens-friendly eye drops can help to calm down any itchiness and wearing prescription glasses, particularly wraparound sunglasses, can prevent pollen from getting into your eyes. Those suffering with hay fever could also try daily disposable lenses during the summer months."

To find out more about the treatment of hay fever symptoms in eyes, visit Specsavers Eyre Square or Headford Road, or see or


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