Smartfotofest coming to Galway!

This year sees the first ever Smartfotofest coming to Galway, a full day of photography workshops using your smartphone. Smartfotofest is a new one-day event which explores the potential of smartphones for photography and film-making. The event is aimed at the general public who may have an interest in learning to really get the absolute best results from their smartphone camera. 10 award-winning and highly acclaimed photographers will host workshops on a variety of skills including “Portrait photography”, “Underwater Photography”, “Timelapse", "Black and White”, “Street Photography” and more.

Each workshop will last approximately 1.5 hours and include both theory and practical exercises. The venue is the O’Donoghue Centre at NUI Galway.


Over the last four weeks Smartfotofest in association with Mobiography magazine and the

Smartphone Photography Awards ran an international photography competition on the theme of “Connections”.

The Winner and runners-up have just been announced and their images, 31 in total, will be displayed in An Dánlann Gallery in NUI Galway from June 5th for four weeks. The exhibition will be free to the public.

Workshops can be booked on the smartfotofest website Smartfotofest is organised by the team behind Mojofest-the annual smartphone content creators festival which runs June 6-8 in the Bailey Allen Hall at NUI Galway.



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