Studying for exams? Keep calm and get focused

Good nutrition is vital at any time of year, but especially during exam time when your brain and body are under stress. Whether you are studying for your Junior Cert, Leaving Cert, or college exams, it is important to look after your mind during this stressful period.

Top up your brain fuel

Believe it or not, the typical human brain is actually about 60 per cent fat. So we obviously need to include fats in our diets if we want to keep ‘mission control’ up and running. Just as calcium is essential for building strong bones, omega-3 DHA is essential for good brain health. The European Food Safety Authority states that you need 250mg DHA daily to support brain and eye health. DHA helps to support optimal learning, mood, memory, and concentration.

Be smart about fats

Did you know that 89 per cent of Irish adults are deficient in omega-3? To obtain omega-3, you can either eat two portions of oily fish per week (salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and fresh tuna ) or take a quality fish oil daily. Our bodies cannot produce omega-3, so we need to get it through our diet. The importance of these fatty acids becomes most obvious when they are lacking. People who don’t get enough omega-3s in their diet can become demotivated, disinterested, forgetful, and may experience low mood.

Supplement with Eskimo Brain 3.6.9

Eskimo Brain 3.6.9 contains a combination of omega oils as well as other special ingredients, including CoQ10 and GLA. Eskimo fish oils are processed in a manner that preserves as many nutritional benefits as possible without any chemical influence. Eskimo Brain also contains CoQ10 which acts as an antioxidant to support healthy brain function. Vitamins D and E, as well as GLA, are also present. Vitamin D and CoQ10 are two of the most common deficiencies, especially in older adults.

Award winning and sustainable

Eskimo Brain 3.6.9 has been named the Rude Health Tried and Tested Product of the Year in both 2017 and 2018. Eskimo-3 is also committed to the environment and the sustainability of fishing grounds. Eskimo-3 has been certified by Friend of the Sea, a non-profit, non-government organisation that helps to ensure the continued protection and sustainability of our oceans.

Great customer feedback

“I have used Eskimo-3 fish oils over the past few years and have found them unbelievably beneficial. Within one to two days I felt sharper and more focused. After a few weeks, my skin was smooth and clear, which I also attribute to the product. It is a natural, affordable, and an amazing product, which I have recommended to friends.” — Claire Breen, Galway.

Drop into your local Evergreen Health Food Store for more information on Eskimo Brain 3.6.9. Also, for a limited time only, save 20 per cent on Eskimo Brain 3.6.9 in store and online at


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