City Hall needs a climate change committee

Labour's John McDonagh says Climate change is 'too urgent an issue' to be 'left to the whim of whatever party is in government'

Climate change is "too urgent an issue" to be "left to the whim of whatever party is in government" or to whoever "holds a majority on any council", but instead must be approached through co-operation and consensus.

This is the view of Labour Galway City Central candidate, John McDonagh, who is calling on City Hall to create a climate change strategic policy committee to oversee and plan for the city more environmentally stable and progressive measures and approaches.

Mr McDonagh was speaking following the recent publication of the Climate Action Report of the Oireachtas Joint committee on Climate Action, noting that the document was the product of cross party consensus. The report argues for local authorities to play a leading role in "progressing climate action" and it recommends all local authorities establish such an SPC.

Mr McDonagh is calling on City Hall to establish a climate action SPC, and for such a body to include "all social, economic and, environmental stakeholder groups". He also wants to see City Hall become proactive in advising homeowners and businesses how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


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