Make sure you have your say on polling day

Friday June 5 is polling day for the Local and European elections and polling stations throughout Galway city and county will be open from 7am to 10pm.

Under the current legislation, citizens of Ireland, or a person who is ordinarily resident in the State, who has reached the age of 18 years or over by September is entitled to stand for and/or vote at local elections. Every EU citizen is allowed to vote in the EU elections.

As a result, Irish people as well as Eastern Europeans, Africans, and Asians, are entitled to vote in the locals and all EU citizens in Galway can cast their vote in the EU elections.

Green councillor Niall Ó Brolcháin is calling on the public to check that they are registered to vote and there is still time to apply for entry in the supplement to the register of electors to be published before polling day.

People not on the register may be eligible to apply for inclusion on the supplement to the register. To be eligible, a person must be 18 years of age or over on or before polling day and must be ordinarily resident in the State.

An application for entry on the supplement must be witnessed by a member of the Garda Síochána or an official of the Galway city or county council (provided applicants state the reason why they were unable to attend a Garda station ).

If, because of a physical illness or physical disability, a person cannot attend either their local Garda Station or the local authority, his/her application form can be accompanied by a medical certificate.

The final date for the receipt of completed supplement application forms is Monday May 18. Forms are available from the Galway city and county councils, Garda stations, libraries, post offices, and on-line at


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