Public talk to address growing concerns over drug misuse

A new organisation which aims to heighten awareness and find solutions to suicide, alcohol, and drug misuse will hold a public meeting in the city next week.

The event which is being organised by Society Against Delinquency (SAD ) will take place at the Clayton Hotel on Monday May 6 at 8pm. It will be addressed by City Mayor Cllr Niall McNelis and Garda crime prevention officer Sergeant Michael Walsh as well as a psychologist.

Its co-ordinators John Rabbitte and Pastor Larry Ovie, says the meeting is in response to growing concerns about the high rate of drug abuse in local communities.

“This came about as a result of various surveys and the statistics of the actual drug taking among the youth, which is evidenced by the sights on our streets. We are a multicultural, multiracial society and have decided to launch this programme and ask for the public’s support going forward. It is our intention to launch this initiative with the help of the professionals who are very positive, have given us excellent advice, and have guaranteed their support.”

Mr Rabbitte, a former lecturer in business, says SAD believes education is one of the keys to informing children about the dangers of drug use.

“Our plan of action is to provide literature in the national schools for eight-12 year olds. We feel this is the way forward as it will highlight the dangers and consequences of our youngsters getting involved in these practises. The information pack will also contain dedicated phone numbers for them to contact.

“Our ultimate plan of action is to set up a youth watch group in each area which these young people can become part of. We also intend to set up meetings in all the areas targeted at educating and aiding these young people in their quest to give good example. Sgt Michael Walsh has given us excellent advice in these areas. We also have psychologist who is part of our team.”

For further information telephone John Rabbitte at (087 ) 2287777 or email


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