Crowe confirms two new dressings rooms for Doughiska

Cllr MJ Crowe this week confirmed that two new dressing rooms will be installed in Doughiska before the end of the month. Work on this project started well over twelve months ago. This involved obtaining funding for these, working through procurement procedures and agreeing a site location.

“I am delighted that these facilities will be in place shortly. It will see the installation of two new dressing rooms, one for boys and one for girls. They are a badly needed facility in this location which has seen enormous growth in sport participation in recent times.

“I have been involved in working with the community and Council officials in developing facilities in Doughiska over the last few years. Some of the work completed so far involved getting the flood lights operating, helping to secure funding for exercise equipment and ensuring the area is maintained.”

“At the moment in this immediate area, there is no safe and secure place for young people to ‘tog out’. This could not continue. Multiple types of sports participants use the recreational grounds here from athletics to hurling and camogie to soccer. It is important that the local authorities and public representatives do all we can to continue to enhance facilities.”

Each dressing room will be approximately 250 sq ft in size and will contain toilet facilities which are also very necessary welcome addition. They will be located on the green area, parallel to the school road and sufficiently far enough away from the residential area.

“These will be a very welcome addition to the Doughiska area and will make life better for all the young people that take part in sport here. The Ard family Resource Centre will manage the day to day activities of the facility and I think this will also aid all users who wish to utilise the facility. It is my hope that further necessary facilities for Doughiska will come on stream in the coming months. It has been a long hard road, not without its challenges but we kept at it and the end is finally in sight with a very positive outcome. It would have been easy for me and others to give up but thankfully that did not happen.” concluded Cllr Crowe.


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