The fifth annual ATLANTEC Conference takes place at NUI Galway on the 30th May 2019!

Exploring recent advances in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIML ) including fundamental advances in algorithm development, ever-increasing volumes of big data which may be used to train better models, and the availability of inexpensive, massively parallel computing infrastructure. This year's conference will consist of a series of keynote talks in the morning followed by a panel discussion and lunch. The afternoon will feature 3 tracks covering AI Implementation, Tools & Techniques and the MedTech AI Revolution. ATLANTEC are delighted to announce the following speakers have been confirmed for 2019 with more to be announced over the coming weeks:


FUTURIST, ART HISTORIAN AND ENTREPRENEUR. Associate partner at advisory firm DareDisrupt. Founder of public education platform Of Course Off Course and co-founder of think tank Nordic Bildung. TEDx-speaker and author of the world’s first children’s book on technological unemployment.



Catharine Bowman is a medical researcher and public speaker with interests in novel pharmaceutical technologies, therapeutic imaging, and more broadly, utilizing innovative thinking to approach societal healthcare challenges. In 2008, Catharine’s mother was diagnosed with stage-three metastatic cancer. Following two major surgeries, Catharine’s mother developed lymphedema, an incurable and lifelong disease affecting the lymphatic system. At the age of 14, Catharine set out to create the first pharmacological treatment for lymphedema. Now seven years later, Catharine is a well-established lymphatic researcher, implementing therapeutic imaging and novel research technologies to further design and research her original pharmacological therapeutic.

Catharine has presented her research across North America, receiving accolades from medical experts and researchers alike. In 2015, Catharine initiated a speaking campaign called “Let’s Talk Lymphedema”, a talk series focused upon education, innovation, and advocacy for under-recognized medical conditions posing a threat to the health of global populations. Through Catharine’s innovative mindset and determination to facilitate pharmacological development through modern technology, she hopes to inspire the next generation of medical researchers, clinicians, and technologists.



The Sydney Morning Herald named Ally Watson as one of Australia’s nine most influential female entrepreneurs of 2017. She’s a developer, computer science graduate and co-founder of Melbourne’s highly acclaimed Code Like a Girl. Code Like a Girl is an Australian organisation set out to spark change in the tech community; inspiring new generations of girls to acquire coding as a skill through their workshops and events.

Ally and her team's efforts in addressing the gender gap in tech have been commended numerously; receiving a Gold Disruptor award at last year’s Australian Computer Society Awards, B&T Women in Media Award and taking home an Education award at last year’s City of Melbourne Tech Diversity Awards. At the heart of Code Like a Girl is a passion to create innovative learning environments where every girl, from any background, feels included, inspired and capable in the world of technology.



Data Science, machine learning, predictive analytics, amateur trader and sports betting. Currently working on propensity and uplift modelling in the Telco industry vertical. Gary is a huge crowd favourite of the Atlantec Conference 2019 will be his 3rd time presenting. He offers huge insights into what is happening in the Microsoft world of AI and Machine Learning as it applies to real world situations.



Katharine is a software developer who has embarked on postgraduate studies in Machine Learning and AI. Having worked on medical software, Big Data and complex event processing, web development and machine learning, she has given a number of conference talks on her experiences in the software industry. With a background in law, science, mathematics and more recently machine learning, she (unsurprisingly ) loves learning! On the side, she is freelance/a Pluralsight author, enjoys playing with Java/Matlab/Python/Ruby, cycling, climbing and living on a farm in rural Ireland.



Steve Tolle, Global VP of Strategy and Business Development for Watson Health Imaging, brings 25 years of unique healthcare industry experience in start-up or high-growth organizations in multiple sectors including medical imaging, electronic health records, health information exchange (HIE ), revenue cycle, pharmaceuticals, managed care, academic medicine, Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO ), and disease management organizations.

Steve currently leads global strategy and M&A for Watson Health Imaging. His focus is on commercializing cognitive (machine learning ) platforms for medical imaging. Prior to joining IBM, Steve served as Chief Strategy Officer for Merge Healthcare, where he successfully streamlined Merge’s solution portfolio, resulting in multiple Best in KLAS awards in 2016. Prior to Merge, Steve held multiple senior level positions in industry leading healthcare companies, including OptumInsight, Allscripts, Pfizer Health Solutions, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, MultiPlan, and Prudential Healthcare.



Working with IBM’s Watson AI business, Ronan collaborates with IBM clients across the globe to deliver AI solutions and is recognised as a thought leader in the Watson AI space.

Ronan’s a keen author, regularly publishing tech papers on Watson through the IBM Developer site and has more recently taken to the creation of Watson technology videos. You can learn more about Ronan though his various online contributions and profiles, simply search for ‘Ronan Dalton IBM’.


The AtlanTec Festival, the Bailey Allen Hall at NUI Galway on the 30th of May.

AtlanTec Festival will probe deeper into the world of AI and Machine Learning and hope to answer whether it is all a New Paradigm or False Dawn.

Get your tickets here!

Technology Computing Cybernetics IBM Watson Lymphedema Ireland North America Technology_Internet Australia Melbourne artificial intelligence co-founder Bailey Allen Hall Microsoft healthcare IBM Start-up strategist software developer Machine Learning Java pharmaceuticals Columbia University Machine learning Web development Artificial intelligence Solutions Architect Prudential Computational neuroscience The Microsoft Ruby Sydney Morning Herald software industry Articles Thought Leader Pluralsight technology videos Allscripts KATHARINE BEAUMONT Associate partner at advisory firm MERGE HEALTHCARE PLURALSIGHT AUTHOR , MACHINE LEARNING CONSULTANT medical imaging Pluralsight medical software well-established lymphatic researcher DENIS RIVIN City of Melbourne Tech Diversity Awards online contributions GARY SHORT freelance/a Pluralsight author treatment for lymphedema healthcare industry experience Global VP of Strategy and Business Development Surgeons of Columbia University CATHARINE BOWMAN pharmaceutical technologies SOFTWARE DEVELOPER , PLURALSIGHT AUTHOR TEDx-speaker and author medical researcher and public speaker event processing Chief Strategy Officer keen author optuminsight research technologies Girl ART HISTORIAN AND ENTREPRENEUR Australian Computer Society Pfizer Health STEVE TOLLE CLOUD SOLUTION ARCHITECT CEO & CO-FOUNDER approach societal healthcare challenges College of Physicians and Surgeons therapeutic imaging DareDisrupt MultiPlan amateur trader parallel computing infrastructure

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