When the harps were silenced in Ireland

THE HARP is one of the key symbols of Ireland, featured on the State's coat of arms, the Presidential standard, and Irish euro coins. It has been in use since mediaeval times, but was violently suppressed during the Cromwelian era.

In the 1600s, during the 'War Of The Three Kingdoms', the forces of Cromwell smashed harps and hanged harpers. That traumatic period of what, pre-Brexit, was attempted to be called 'our shared history', has inspired a new work which will be performed at the Galway Theatre Festival.

Theatre collective, GIORRIA, will stage Cláirseach ina Tost (The Harp Silenced ), n The Mick Lally Theatre, Druid Lane, on Wednesday May 8 at 4pm. This is a work-in-progress exploring themes of silence and oppression through movement and music. It runs for an hour and the piece will include audience feedback, and questions and answers.

Giorria comprises actors, performers, and singers working mainly through Irish. They are Marianne Kennedy, Zoe Ní Faoiláin, Beartla O Flatharta, Marina Ní Dhubháin, Caitríona Ní Chonaola, Anne McCabe, Aine Moynihan, and Colm Hefferon.

For tickets see www.galwaytheatrefestival.com


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