NUIG Young Fine Gael supports decriminalisation of drugs

University party branch elects new committee for 2019/2020 academic year

Drug possession and addiction should be treated as a public health issue, and not as a criminal matter, according to the NUI Galway branch of Young Fine Gael.

NUIG YFG, in common with YFG branches throughout the State, has come out in support of the national drug policy, 'Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery: a health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025', and is calling on the Government to decriminalise the possession of illegal narcotics.

The call came at the NUIG YFG AGM which took place last week. 'Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery' calls for the "absolute prohibition of possession and consumption of illicit substances"; to maintain the prohibition on career dealing; for drug addiction to be seen as a disability, instead of a crime; for the regulation and adequate distribution of medical marijuana; and for the re-evaluation of Garda responses to drug addicts and dealers on the ground.

The AGM also saw the election of a new committee: Mars Duignan (chair ), Eoghan Gallagher (vice-chair ), Sarah Canavan (secretary ), Kailan Mitchell (treasurer ), Sinéad Bolger (public relations officer ). It was attended by Galway City West candidate, Clodagh Higgins, and county councillor Frank Kearney. Young Fine Gael is open to those aged between 15 and 35.


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