People of the Tribes: Meet Alex.

In association with McGettigans

Hello, my name is Alex Browne. I am 16 years old and I have been living in Galway my entire life. I originally lived in Corrach Buí, but then I moved to Manusflynn in the country when I was around five. I do not remember much about Corrach Buí because I was so young and it was such a long time ago. The one thing I do remember is the colourful neighbours I had while living in Corrach Buí. They all had very unique personalities that made them all stick out, a quite common character trait for Galway people. Manusflynn, where I currently live is just as lovely as Corrach Buí, it is quite a small area next to Charlistrane and Headford. It is home to a few farmers, and all though I myself am not a farmer, this did not stop the farmers from greeting me with hospitality when I first moved in, this is a prime example of the caring people that reside in Galway.

I attended Belclare National primary school, where I met new people, all special in their own way. I made such strong friendships here, that I still talk to many of my old classmates today. Currently, I am attending St Jarlath’s college as a TY student. St Jarlath’s is home to a diverse and unique group of people, and all of these people are very kind. Being a TY student in St Jarlaths has given me wondrous importunities, such as work experience. I am currently doing work experience in the Galway Advertiser. Here I am doing what I really enjoy, writing. Writing is one of my biggest passions and doing work experience in the Galway Advertiser has given me the opportunity to practice my writing skills under the supervision of kind writers.

I have enjoyed writing from an early age, I have always loved creating new stories to tell. In my spare time, I like to write short stories about any ideas I have. I read a lot as practice and to improve my writing skills, I enjoy reading fantasy and quest novels, like lord of the rings. Three or four days a week, depending on whether I have the time or not, I like to exercise. I do runs, some push ups and sit ups, anything that can help me stay fit and healthy, I am soon going to join an athletics club in Tuam do help me stay fit and healthy. I enjoy being fit and believe it is important that people try to stay fit.

Due to my passion for writing, English is by far my favourite subject in school. I enjoy learning new fascinating things in general and St Jarlath’s is a great place to learn these new things. My least favourite subject would be French, but only because I have trouble with foreign languages, but that being said I still tried my best at it. I hope to go into a career in writing when I am older, whether it be writing articles for a newspaper, or even writing novels. I just want to do what I love

In conclusion, Galway has given me great opportunities and I do not believe I would be doing what I am doing now if I did not live in Galway, no other place could give me opportunities like Galway has. Galway is home to some of the kindest people around and caring people like that is what makes Galway so loveable. If I was not from Galway and I did not have access to its facilities, know the people, and did not have these opportunities, I believe I would not be the person I am today and could have turned out much differently.

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