Diverse entries flow in for Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh

Almost 20 businesses and organisations representing a wide range of sectors have put their names forward for Galway’s bilingual business awards - Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh 2019. The Gradam is organised by Gaillimh le Gaeilge in association with the Galway Advertiser and TG4 and with support from the Galway Chamber.

Of the businesses and organisations, 12 are entering the Gradam for the first time and the rest are returning companies. This year’s Gradam will feature online businesses, voluntary organizations and well-known Galway hotels and bars, all packed with new and creative ideas on how to incorporate ‘an Ghaeilge’ into their day to day business. Previous category winners and internationally recognised companies are also in the running to become the 2019 Gradam winners.

Cathaoirleach Ghaillimh le Gaeilge Bernadette Mullarkey said they are delighted with the diversity and the geographic spread of this year’s Gradam nominees.

“All of the nominees have done great work which is instrumental in sustaining Galway’s bilingual status. The visibility and the promotion of the Irish language are always key ingredients to our success as a bilingual city.

“I wish all of the Gradam nominees every success. Comhghairdeas libh go léir as bhur dtiomantas chun Gaillimh a choinneáil dátheangach agus difriúil. Gach rath oraibh i mbliana.”

Foireann Ghaillimh le Gaeilge will be very busy over the coming weeks providing practical supports and an ongoing translation services to the 18 nominees. Service in Irish, visibility and sustainability of the Irish Language in business is what the Moltóirí will rate highly when they meet for the first time to select the Gradam Gearrliosta in early April. The Gearrliosta will be announced by Méara Chathair na Gaillimhe, Cllr. Níall McNelis at a press event on Tuesday April 16.

Gaillimh le Gaeilge would like to say a ‘míle buíochas’ to the impressive line-up of sponsors, whose contribution is invaluable to the success of the Gradam and also to extend a ‘céad míle fáilte’ to our new sponsor MOLSCÉAL!

The main media sponsor is the Galway Advertiser; the company has proudly supported the Gradam since its inception in 2002. TG4 joined the Gradam in 2016, and both media organisations are providing an excellent advertising package for the overall winner.

The category sponsors for Gradam 2019 are as follows : Galway Bay FM, Fáilte Ireland, Snap Galway and Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh.

Údarás na Gaeltachta are sponsoring the replicas of Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh, specially designed by the renowned artist Pádraic Reaney.

The Galway Chamber will also provide sponsorship to the overall winner.

All of the Gradam nominees will receive substantial publicity in the Irish and English language media throughout the Gradam campaign and the overall winner will recieve the prestigious title as the 15th Tribe of Galway for the year ahead. Go n-éirí go geal leo ar fad.

Retail category:

Corrib Shopping Centre


KD Autoparts

Mary’s Fish

Tourism and Hospitality category:

Clayton Hotel Galway


The Galmont Hotel & Spa

The King’s Head

The Skeff Late Night Bar & Kitchen

Services category:

Magnet Networks

Murphy Catering and Laundry Equipment

Ó Tuairisg Associates Ltd.

Polishing Technologies Ireland

Sweeney Oil

Other Companies Category:

Big O Taxis


Galway Volunteer Centre

Westside Community Organic Gardens


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