Skills for Work West: Up-skilling Opportunities for Workers Spring 2019 Onwards
Are you an employee or self -employed person that struggles with technology and changes in the workplace?
Skills for Work is an Irish and European award winning programme aimed at providing educational training opportunities to help employees deal with the basic skills demands of the workplace. The programme is funded by the Irish Government under the Department of Education and Skills and SOLAS. Skills for work partners with your local ETB to provide classes at a time and location suitable for participants and the employer. Courses generally run for 35 hours duration and we have an experienced team of tutors that impart their knowledge to participants in a relaxed – friendly environment. Feedback from previous participants and employers has been extremely positive with many learners choosing to stay engaged and progress onto further training options within the ETB.
Who can take part in SFW Training Workers:
* Over 18 years of age and not in full-time second level education
* In part-time or full time employment
* With work skill needs
* With few, out-dated or no educational qualifications
* Willing to take part on a voluntary basis
We are currently promoting a range of courses across counties: Mayo, Galway & Roscommon from Sept 2018 in the following areas:
* Computer Literacy – IT Skills – certification at Levels 3 & 4 QQI is possible
* IT – Online Computer Skills for the Farming Community – use of
“Ag-food” site included
* Workplace Communications – relevant to non-national workers
* Maths
* Culinary – Cookery Skills Levels 3-4
* Career Preparation - Planning
* Customer Service – Retail Skills
* Social Media Training for Small Business
* Horticulture L3-L4 courses for Green-Keepers
Further information available from:
Geraldine O’Haire – SFW West Co-ordinator on 087 136 0694 or by email to: /
Relevant Website links : 1 ) Skills for Work website:
2 ) Skills for work has received recognition for it’s valuable work in re-directing adults back into education over the years from: AONTAS – link to site below:
3 ) Galway and Roscommon ETB – Information on courses can be found in the Further Education & Training section of our website with “Skills for Work” courses based in the Adult Basic Education Service centres 4 ) Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB: “Skills for Work” is promoted through the following Adult Education Centres:
Presentation of Certs: Spring 2018 Courses:
Forwarded by email: (photos )
a ) MSL ETB - Staff of Decare Dental, IDA Business Park, Claremorris – certified in Computer Literacy L3, followed by Spreadsheets L4.
b ) GR ETB – Staff of Mr Price Store Terryland Galway City completed a “Workplace Communications Course” followed by a progression course in Customer Service.