Upskill in 2019 with a payroll qualification

This year has seen some mandatory changes to how we process payroll. GPA Solutions has scheduled a QQI Level 5 payroll award which commences on March 14 in Galway. This four day course will be delivered one day a week, over four weeks. Learners will acquire a thorough knowledge of basic PAYE, USC, and PRSI computations to include the cumulative, week one, and emergency tax basis.

Participants with also acquire the knowledge and skills to set up and maintain a computerised payroll system using Thesaurus software. As payroll processing procedures have now changed in 2019, the course focuses on how to set up starters and process leavers and how to submit payroll files to Revenue.

This course is ideal for learners who are new to the area of payroll or for those who would like to build upon their existing payroll skills.

Additional online resources and demonstration software will be available to all learners who register on this course. Funding may be available for eligible jobseekers and for those in employment. For more information see


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