What is Irish Contemporary Music?

Looking at a vexed question through music and discussion

WHAT IS Irish contemporary Mmsic? For a start it is a term which excludes rather than includes. It generally does not include music made by contemporary Irish musicians in the fields of rock, pop, folk, and trad. It usually only refers to classical music.

Even boiled down to just one genre, there is still confusion. What is contemporary music meant to sound like? Does everyone working in that sphere have similar goals and approaches? What distinguishes them from other 'contemporary' composers who have gone before?

These questions will be tackled in 'What Even Is Irish Contemporary Music?' which takes place in the Emily Anderson Concert Hall, NUI Galway, on Saturday March 9 at 7pm, with the ConTempo Quartet and pianist Aileen Cahill. There will be performances of Gerald Barry’s Piano Quartet No 1, and selections from Ian Wilson, Jane O’Leary, Deirdre McKay, Greg Caffrey, and Frank Corcoran.

Tickets are €15/10 via www.eventbrite.ie or on the door. See www.thegalwaymusicresidency.ie or call 091-586706.


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