Anarchist to die accidentally on Thursday

Classic Dario Fo play to be staged at NUI Galway’s O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre, and Performance.

UNDER ORDERS from, and directed by, a mysterious maniac, a group of madcap policemen stage and re-stage the cover-up of the scandalous death of an anarchist during an interrogation.

This is Accidental Death Of An Anarchist by the Nobel Prize winning Italian playwright Dario Fo, which opens on Thursday March 7 at NUI Galway’s O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre, and Performance.

While the play was inspired by police corruption in Italy in the 1970s, this production relocates the action to Ireland. "It speaks directly to the recently exposed corruption scandals of An Garda Síochana brought to light by the Charleton Tribunal," says Dr Ian R Walsh, a lecturer in drama and theatre studies at NUIG, who is also directing the play. "What is fabulous about Fo’s piece is how it manages to be challenging politically whilst still being very entertaining."


It will be performed by second year undergraduates of the BA Drama, Theatre and Performance at NUIG, and Dr Walsh describes it as "the zany commedia dell’arte of Italy meet the absurdity of Father Ted".

Accidental Death Of An Anarchist is on Thursday March 7, Friday 8, and Saturday 9 at 8pm, with a special Sunday March 10 matinee at 2pm. Tickets are €5 on the door and via


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