Open day at Galway Community College next week

Galway Community College of Further Education (GCC ) will hold its annual open day on Tuesday March 5 from 9am to 4pm. GCC is centrally located at Moneenageisha Junction and staff are looking forward to welcoming future learners of full-time courses commencing in September, to the open day to showcase what the college has to offer.

GCC offers both Level 5 and 6 QQI further education courses. Further education qualifications give a range of choices, allowing students to progress into employment, onto further studies, or to convert their QQI results into CAO points (maximum 390 ) for higher education courses in ITs and universities. Completing a FE/PLC course can also be used to investigate a study area before committing to a degree course in this area. While studying in GCC, students are guaranteed expert tuition, modern facilities, career guidance, free parking, and a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.

GCC's tutors are continually developing new courses and modules in line with industry trends in employment and links to higher education. New courses for September 2019 at Level 5 include retail pharmacy assistant, speech and drama teacher training, computer systems and networks, introduction to software development, and apprentice preparatory course in trades. New courses at Level 6 include ITEC diploma in Pilates teaching and exercise specialist, horsemanship, and mobile journalism and film production. For a full list of all courses, see

The annual open day in GCC is a very successful event each year, attracting large numbers of people who are interested in learning more about the programmes and facilities on offer. Potential learners, parents, and guidance counsellors are invited to attend on March 5. GCC teaching staff will be on hand to provide all the information required to make an informed decision on a preferred course. Details will also be available on maintenance grants as well as social welfare information.

GCC is now accepting applications on all full-time day courses for the 2019/20 academic year. Apply online through the college website


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